Monday, August 8, 2011

Mortal Instruments Series

Honestly, I don't even know where to begin.
I guess that's a start.
Go ahead and buy the three books in the picture above, and then get to the prequel and sequel. Don't just get the first book!!! It will make you buy the next. Then you will have to buy the book after that.

I really really really wanted to review these books, but there's just so much going on in them, and I crammed all of them into one long weekend. Correction- one long, amazing weekend. These books made it that.

So go to wikipedia or whatever to find a summary if you want one.

These books were amazing.

Some parts were slow, but every other part was sooo good that I just HAD to keep reading.
It's one of those books that you can't put down even though you really want to save it for later or you have something else you know you have to do. It was epic.

The book reminded to of a lot of other books with its elements of forbidden love... but also with its moments of violence, battles, fights, whatever. Even though it was a lot like other books, it is completely unique (which doesn't make sense, but oh well.) The characters were so unlike any characters from another book. The main character, Clary, was no Bella Swan; and Jace was no Edward. However, for a while their love was forbidden, not because one of them wanted to such their blood, but because they were told they were siblings. Late in the 3rd book, they find out that they actually aren't siblings, and they can show their love for each other without grossing people out. All the characters felt so real because of how different but believable they were. Even though most of the characters in the book aren't even 100% human, they were described so well in their personalities that they just seemed real.
Now I’m just rambling. I’m not sure what else to say….
I guess I’ll end this review by giving it a 9.8/10.
I LOVED every single part of the book
However, I feel some parts got a little long. It could be that I was reading it none-stop through the weekend and during a long car ride… but that’s the only thing I have against the books!


  1. I have one but I don't remember my username... acually- I might. I'm gonna go check. You'll have to explain Goodreads to me though

  2. LAUREL you only have one follower: ME. That is sad. Get Emily and Alyssa to follow your blog too :)
