Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I just finished reading this book earlier today, and I haven't really reviewed a book for a while... so here I am writting again :)

This book is organized into letters the main character wrote to a "friend," which is the reader. He never attached a return address and he uses false names for everyone because he doesn't want anyone to know who he is.

He goes by the name Charlie. The book starts by him entering 9th grade. His older brother is going to Penn State and his sister is in senior high. Let me just say, this kid has a rough life.

His only friend killed himself leaving Charlie to enter high school alone and scared.
Also his Aunt Helen (who was pretty much his favorite person in the world) was killed in a car crash. She was molested and Charlie always "goes to a bad place" when he talks about it.

Charlie is also shy and quite (explaining wallflower.) He makes a few more friends and becomes the guy that everyone seems to talk about their problems too. Patrick (he is homosexual) had a short ... uhhh.. relationship?...(can't find the right word)... affair? ... with a football player named Brad. That was just a bad situation though because Brad would deny his feelings for men which really upsets Patrick. At one point in the book Patrick becomes really close with Charlie and talks about Brad.

A very important character throughout the book was Sam. She was a girl older than Charlie but still in high school. Charlie loved her form early on the in the book but she was always out with other men. Whether Sam loved him back wasn't very clear when I read the book because she actually told him that she loved him... but it was in a strange way (not like a "I-love-you/want-to-be-with-you-forever" way) ... What was really sweet though was that Charlie didn't really care how many guys she dated and what she did but as long as she was happy he was happy for her. . .

But anyway this book is just a collection of letters from a boy going through a ton of issues in high school. Correction: * a GREAT collection of letters.
This book is the type of book that makes you feel a wide range of feelings. From happiness, suspense, sadness, love, and so much more; this book makes you realize how well off you are in the life you are living (unless you have some serious issues.) When I finished this book I realized how there is so much in my life to which I should be thankful. I hope that no one I know will have to go through all the emotional crap that he did.

Rating... rating... uhhh... 8/10? Mayyybbee..
I crammed this book into a night or so and I wasn't really aware during the time I was reading it so I probably missed a lot... yea I'll go with 7/10 to 8/10

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