Monday, October 24, 2011

The Maze Runner

At first the cover made me think, "Ew. This must be a weird book..." but then I desided to give it a chance... and it was GREAT.

Goodreads: "Imagine waking up one day in total darkness, unsure of where you are and unable to remember anything about yourself except your first name. You're in a bizarre place devoid of adults called the Glade. The Glade is an enclosed structure with a jail, a graveyard, a slaughterhouse, living quarters, and gardens. And no way out. Outside the Glade is the Maze, and every day some of the kids -- the Runners -- venture into the labyrinth, trying to map the ever-changing pattern of walls in an attempt to find an exit from this hellish place. So far, no one has figured it out. And not all of the Runners return from their daily exertions, victims of the maniacal Grievers, part animal, part mechanical killing machines.

Thomas is the newest arrival to the Glade in this Truman-meets-Lord of the Flies tale. A motley crew of half a dozen kids is all he has to guide him in this strange world. As soon as he arrives, unusual things begin to happen, and the others grow suspicious of him. Though the Maze seems somehow familiar to Thomas, he's unable to make sense of the place, despite his extraordinary abilities as a Runner. What is this place, and
does Thomas hold the key to finding a way out?

In The Maze Runner, Dashner has crafted a creative and engaging novel that's both mysterious and thought provoking."

This is a realllllly good book!! Go Read It!!

The beginning was sort of slow... but then a little ways into the book it suddenly became 123456X better. I was around page 50ish when I started reading around 7-8 at night... and then I didn't stop that night till I finished it. It was THAT good.

The ending is sort of emotional and leaves a lot to work with for making more books (Which the author did.)
I'm probably going to read the next ones ASAP!(:

I'll rate it around a 8 or a 9/10

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lola and the Boy Next Door

This book comes after Anna and the French Kiss... Anna and St. Clair actually show up frequently in the book. If you loved Anna and the French kiss, read this book. If you haven't read it, GO READ IT NOW(:

Goodreads: "Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn’t believe in fashion . . . she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit -- more sparkly, more fun, more wild -- the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood.

When Cricket -- a gifted inventor -- steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door."

Lola is this really unique teenage girl who basically ALWAYS wears Halloween costumes. At first I hated that about her and though it was weird, but then near the middle I started to love her and all her many costumes. She has a boyfriend named Max... I thought was was pretty cool at the beginning of the book (besides some stuff he did) but then at the end I wanted to tear his face off. Sorry if I just ruined for you that they wouldn't work out but c'mon... the ending is, of course, predictable... but when is it not in this genre? Besides that, it's a fantastic adorable book. Definitely worth reading!

I'll rate this an 8/10 to 8.5/10
It was soo cute but after Anna it had high expectations to live up to.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I just finished reading this book earlier today, and I haven't really reviewed a book for a while... so here I am writting again :)

This book is organized into letters the main character wrote to a "friend," which is the reader. He never attached a return address and he uses false names for everyone because he doesn't want anyone to know who he is.

He goes by the name Charlie. The book starts by him entering 9th grade. His older brother is going to Penn State and his sister is in senior high. Let me just say, this kid has a rough life.

His only friend killed himself leaving Charlie to enter high school alone and scared.
Also his Aunt Helen (who was pretty much his favorite person in the world) was killed in a car crash. She was molested and Charlie always "goes to a bad place" when he talks about it.

Charlie is also shy and quite (explaining wallflower.) He makes a few more friends and becomes the guy that everyone seems to talk about their problems too. Patrick (he is homosexual) had a short ... uhhh.. relationship?...(can't find the right word)... affair? ... with a football player named Brad. That was just a bad situation though because Brad would deny his feelings for men which really upsets Patrick. At one point in the book Patrick becomes really close with Charlie and talks about Brad.

A very important character throughout the book was Sam. She was a girl older than Charlie but still in high school. Charlie loved her form early on the in the book but she was always out with other men. Whether Sam loved him back wasn't very clear when I read the book because she actually told him that she loved him... but it was in a strange way (not like a "I-love-you/want-to-be-with-you-forever" way) ... What was really sweet though was that Charlie didn't really care how many guys she dated and what she did but as long as she was happy he was happy for her. . .

But anyway this book is just a collection of letters from a boy going through a ton of issues in high school. Correction: * a GREAT collection of letters.
This book is the type of book that makes you feel a wide range of feelings. From happiness, suspense, sadness, love, and so much more; this book makes you realize how well off you are in the life you are living (unless you have some serious issues.) When I finished this book I realized how there is so much in my life to which I should be thankful. I hope that no one I know will have to go through all the emotional crap that he did.

Rating... rating... uhhh... 8/10? Mayyybbee..
I crammed this book into a night or so and I wasn't really aware during the time I was reading it so I probably missed a lot... yea I'll go with 7/10 to 8/10

Anna and the French Kiss

Loooveee this book so much. Hurry, go read it.

This is one of those books where you buy it thinking that it will be an okay, typical, predictable, chick-flick like book . . . one of those you read for fun but quickly forget about as you move on to other novels. Actually this book is seriously amazing. Yes, it is a (sort of) typical, (somewhat) predictable, chick-flick book, but it is so funny and beautiful and completely unique.

(Goodreads:) "Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris - until she meets Etienne St. Clair: perfect, Parisian (and English and American, which makes for a swoon-worthy accent), and utterly irresistible. The only problem is that he's taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her almost-relationship back home.

As winter melts into spring, will a year of romantic near - misses end with the French kiss Anna - and readers - have long awaited?
I read this book because I saw how well it was rated on Goodreads. I love that website sooooo much <3

My favorite genre is scifi fantasy but every now and then I like to read books like this. Let me just say, no book from this genre has come this close to the top of my favorites list as this book has.

Etienne is a hotty. Super, super, super hot and funny and nice and cute <3 It was soo easy to love him and all the other characters in this book. At some points I was really hoping that I could fall asleep and wake up in Paris with Anna and everyone... *sigh*

I'm going to rate this book .... 10/10... okay well maybe 9.9/10 but still, it was THAT GOOD.

As I was reading this book I had a fever so that may have influence my opinion of the book. I was all stressed out because I had a ton of homework and I felt like CRAP, but then when I finished everything and was able to read the book I was just SO HAPPY. and the book was just SO HAPPY and pretty. I'm pretty sure at some points I was crying, but that was most likely me being an overemotional sick person.

Whether sick, healthy, or completely insane; if you have any taste what so ever, you love this book(:

Monday, August 8, 2011

Mortal Instruments Series

Honestly, I don't even know where to begin.
I guess that's a start.
Go ahead and buy the three books in the picture above, and then get to the prequel and sequel. Don't just get the first book!!! It will make you buy the next. Then you will have to buy the book after that.

I really really really wanted to review these books, but there's just so much going on in them, and I crammed all of them into one long weekend. Correction- one long, amazing weekend. These books made it that.

So go to wikipedia or whatever to find a summary if you want one.

These books were amazing.

Some parts were slow, but every other part was sooo good that I just HAD to keep reading.
It's one of those books that you can't put down even though you really want to save it for later or you have something else you know you have to do. It was epic.

The book reminded to of a lot of other books with its elements of forbidden love... but also with its moments of violence, battles, fights, whatever. Even though it was a lot like other books, it is completely unique (which doesn't make sense, but oh well.) The characters were so unlike any characters from another book. The main character, Clary, was no Bella Swan; and Jace was no Edward. However, for a while their love was forbidden, not because one of them wanted to such their blood, but because they were told they were siblings. Late in the 3rd book, they find out that they actually aren't siblings, and they can show their love for each other without grossing people out. All the characters felt so real because of how different but believable they were. Even though most of the characters in the book aren't even 100% human, they were described so well in their personalities that they just seemed real.
Now I’m just rambling. I’m not sure what else to say….
I guess I’ll end this review by giving it a 9.8/10.
I LOVED every single part of the book
However, I feel some parts got a little long. It could be that I was reading it none-stop through the weekend and during a long car ride… but that’s the only thing I have against the books!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Looking for Alaska

If you haven't yet read this book by John Green, let me first tell you Alaska is not a state, Alaska is a girl. She is not missing and being searched for. I found the title a bit misleading untill I finished the book. So, ignore the title and just read this amazing book.

The book is divided into two sections, before and after. In "before" Miles (the main character) begins his search for the "Great Perhaps" at Culver Creek Boarding School. He is pretty much completely obsessed with last words so that explains "Great Perhaps" (Francois Rabelais) and also spends a lot of time pondering the meaning of the words that were said. At this school he befriends Colin, a.k.a. The Colonel, who nicknames him "Pudge" because he is the opposite of pudgy. The Colonel also introduces Pudge to Alaska. Alaska is reckless, self destructive but beautiful, and Pudge falls in love with her.

When a book includes love usually one would assume that in the end both character share their love and end up together after all the obstacles they overcome. This book ends much differently than expected.

Alaska is really troubled. Not only does she drink and smoke, she had a really rough childhood. Her mother died of a brain aneurysm right in front of her eyes. She just stood there and watched because she was really young but also too afraid to call the police. She also thought her mother might just be sleeping. At first when her father came home and saw his wife dead on the floor he blamed Alaska for her death. In the book it does say that he only blamed her at first but Alaska hasn't gotten over it and blames herself for the death. Alaska tells Pudge this story and it gives him a better understanding of her. She also feels regret for the expulsion of her old room mate. She tells about how she was caught for breaking a rule on campus and was to be expelled by "The Eagle" unless she rats one somebody else. Alaska happened to know that her room mate was drunk and naked her room with a guy and ratted on them without even hesitating. She only told Pudge about this (proving to the reader that she has a strong connection with him.)

When Pudge arrives at the school near the beginning of the book he is tied up with duct tape and thrown in to a creek. Pudge's life was seriously in danger but managed to get out alive. The prankers who did this were known as the Weekday Warriors. Much of the rest of the book is spent pranking and plotting against the warriors. Pudge get a girlfriend named Lara but his feeling for Alaska never change. Alaska has a boyfriend through the entire book who she claims to love and never admits to having feelings for Pudge (that I remember...) Near the end of "before" Alaska, Pudge, and The Colonel play truth or dare. Alaska dares Pudge to "hook up" with her and eventually they stop making out when she says she's tired. The Colonel was really drunk and watched the whole time I guess. Then when they have all fallen asleep Alaska was woken up by her phone and seemed to get really upset and asks Pudge to distract "The Eagle" so she can leave. Alaska was really drunk but nobody stopped her from driving.

"After" starts by The Eagle" waking the school up and having everyone come to the gym. he announced that Alaska had died in a car crash. Alaska's BLA was .24 which is ridiculously drunk so the chance of a crash was likely but the cops say that she didn't even swerve her car. Alaska was always a little unpredictable and troubled by events in her past so Pudge and The Colonel investigated if her death was suicide. Though the reason for her death never is truly certain, it was clear to me that she caused her own death. It explains that her boyfriend had called to celebrate their 8 month anniversary. She remembered that her mother's date of death was the day before and she forgot. She rushed to the store to buy white tulips because her mother used to put while flowers behind her ear, so white flowers are really important to her. She hoped that by rushing to her mothers grave her mother would forgive her for forgetting (maybe also for not calling the police, too) but she never made it. On the way she crashed right into a police car. I believe that at the moment before arriving at the police car she felt absolute despair and decided that the only way out of her suffering was death. Throughout the book Alaska thinks about these last words: ""How will I ever get out of this labyrinth?" (Simón Bolívar.) Alaska and Pudge decide that by saying labyrinth, he means suffering and he asks how to escape it. This quote influence Alaska a lot throughout the book.

About the title-  Throughout "after" Pudge and The Colonel search for Alaska (well, the search for how she felt and what went on that night.) All they knew was that she was drunk, upset after being on the phone, and dead.

I really like how the book didn't really focus on any love story. It was full of humor and brilliant pranks. It doesn't stress any one's physical relationship. It focused much more on emotions and what made the character's the way they are.

on a scale of 1-10...
Looking for Alaska gets a 7.9
I LOVED the ending
I LOVED the characters
I LOVED the author's writing style
I LOVED the story

I wish there was more going on in the story and wish it was just a bit more descriptive about people and places.

I REALLY WANT TO GIVE IT AN 8... but I'm not sure it's there. It might just not be my genre.